Why Do I Want to Join the SPEE?
First, the SPEE continues efforts to make the application process as seamless as we can while maintaining consistency with SPEE By-Laws, thereby assuring that all members are qualified evaluation professionals. In the end what this means to you is that by becoming a member you are making a supporting statement about your qualifications as an evaluation professional.
So, what are the other benefits of membership:
- Make relevant new contacts within the business, reserves and evaluation engineering community
- Represent your industry/company by being a member of an internationally recognized Society that holds professional ethics as a cornerstone
- Expand the network of colleagues that you can utilize for ideas, advice and shared experience
- Contribute your expertise to petroleum evaluation engineering through a structured, well vetted and respected society
- Attend and participate in Annual Meetings in favorable worldwide locations, that are focused upon both the technical and the business aspects of reserves/evaluation, without commercial distractions
- Socialize with a manageably sized but ever-expanding international society of evaluation professionals, “have a friend in every town”
- Enhance your resume/CV as a professional evaluation engineer, have your expertise and hard-earned accomplishments recognized by a group of your peers
Becoming a Member requires some effort on your part; however, the benefits are well worth the effort.
Let us help you get started!
Visit the Membership section or contact your local chapter membership chair. Download a PDF or Power Point version of this page for send to friends and colleagues or for use at your next Chapter meeting!