Proposed By-Laws Change

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Proposed By-Laws Changes

Dear Member,

For your consideration, the details to the proposed bylaw changes can be seen by following the highlited links: (1) a red-line document showing the proposed changes, and (2) the proposed final new bylaw document. Please cast your vote to Approve or Decline the changes. You have until November 29 to vote.

For your convenience, the proposed updates are summarized below:

Proposed Revision 1.

Article VI. Ethics


  • Section 1 of this article refers to “Code of Ethics of Engineers as adopted by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) as shown in Appendix A”.
  • ABET no longer claims ownership of this code of ethics, and there is no reference on ABET’s website to this document or any ethics document.

Proposed Revision

  • It is proposed that the references the ABET be removed from the Bylaws and the SPEE adopt Appendix A as their own document.


Proposed Revision 2.

Article XVIII. Reserves Definition Committee


  • As currently defined, the purpose of the Reserves Definition Committee (RDC) “shall be to advise the Board of Directors, and to liaise with Society committees, other professional societies, governmental entities, and intergovernmental entities, on issues relating to petroleum reserves and resources definitions.”

Proposed Revision

  • With the increased focus on resources and energy other than petroleum, the RDC advised that the scope of their mandate be expanded to:
    • include resources and definitions related to the capture, utilization and/or subsurface storage of carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases.
    • The application of such definitions and guidelines
  • It is also proposed that the RDC be renamed to the Reserves and Resources Definitions committee



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