2024 SPEE Software Symposium: Experiences in Automated Forecasting

Come join us for our fifth Software Symposium since 2000, and our first since 2018!  Previous symposia have made big waves in the industry, and we expect this one will as well.  Advancements in computing power, data management and forecasting algorithms have led to a wave of innovation for automated production forecasting.  This year’s symposium will gather together oil and gas industry experts, software vendors and a large group of users to discuss the continued advancement of forecasting workflows.

On the Agenda

  • Industry survey results on the usage and opinions of automated forecasting
  • A walk down memory lane and the beginnings of decline curve analysis
  • Advanced topics on current analysis and the future of automated forecasting techniques
  • A comparison of commercially available forecasting and economic analysis software

The “Bake Off”

The highlight of the Software Symposium is the comparative analysis of commercial software available to the oil and gas industry.  A common production dataset for auto forecasting and another input dataset for economics will be distributed to the participating vendors.  The returned submissions will be analyzed and compared by our technical program committee who will then present the results at the symposium.

The Exposition

We will have dedicated time throughout the day to visit vendor display booths and see software demonstrations from our participating sponsors.  This is a great opportunity to ask questions and find out where the industry is going in terms of smarter and more efficient workflows that fit your company’s needs.


DATE:                         Wednesday, October 16th, 2024                               
TIME:                          8:00 am to 4:00 pm (Networking Social to Follow)

LOCATION:                Oxy Tower – The Woodlands, TX
COST:                         $40 Members / $50 Non-Members


Chair – Lucas Smith
Vendor Liaison – Zack Warren
Technical Program – John Wright, David Fulford, Steven Golko
Publicity – Christina Hilton

Contact and More Information

If your company is interested in sponsoring, participating as a vendor in the comparitive study or if you are interested in volunteering on the committee, please contact us at symposium@spee.org.  Also, please visit the SPEE website for registration, vendor participation and sponsorship updates as we get closer to the event.

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